Less than half of political parties field nominees for local elections

(Photo: Rased Facebook)
AMMAN — The Hayat Center for Civil Society Development (Rased) said that 24 parties out of 55 it polled nominated a member for the upcoming municipal and provincial council elections, according to Al-Ghad News.اضافة اعلان

The 55 political parties under study are licensed and registered at the Ministry of Political and Parliamentary Affairs. The fact that less than half of these parties have members (24 in all) running for elections means that 57 percent of these political parties have no candidate. The number of candidates reached 74.

According to the study, 19 political parties fielded nominees for the position of mayor, distributed among eight governorates; the number of candidates for municipal councils reached 24.

There are 22 women candidates, 11 running for provincial councils, 11 for municipal council membership, but no party nominated a woman to run for mayor of the Greater Amman Municipality.

The upcoming elections will be completely fair, 35.2 percent of the parties said, while 50 percent said that the elections will be fair to some extent, and 14.8 percent said they will be unfair.

Rased CEO Amer Bani Amer said that the weak participation of parties in the electoral process highlights the conclusion of the Royal Committee to Modernize the Political System, which stressed the need to strengthen partisan life and urged parties to change the present approach to political participation.

He also said that the participation of parties in elections is proof of their ability to produce elected local and national political leaders, and stressed the importance of national efforts to help parties play an effective role in any election.

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