Legal measures to be taken against poultry association for price fixing attempt

Shoppers walk by a fridge stacked with packaged chicken amman
Shoppers walk by a fridge stacked with packaged chicken at a retail store in Amman. (Photo: Saher Qaddarah/Jordan News)
AMMAN — Minister of Industry, Trade and Supply Maha Ali on Monday stressed that the ministry will take legal measures against the poultry and fodder investors association, after it formally requested from the Jordan Chamber of Commerce (JCC) to inform merchants to sell fresh chicken at a unified price.اضافة اعلان

The minister instructed the JCC to not circulate the request to vendors, adding that the association is subject to legal measures under the competition law, and that the ministry will prevent any practices that would harm completion and impact market prices, the Jordan News Agency, Petra, reported.

The association had earlier sent a statement to the JCC, requesting that all vendors abide by a price of no more than JD2.40 per kilogram of fresh chicken meat, noting that poultry companies will abide by a price of no more than JD2.25 per kilogram.

Ali decided last week to lift the price cap on fresh and live chicken, leaving prices to be subject to the market’s supply and demand dynamics, under the ministry’s monitoring.

As soon as a government decision lifting the price cap on chicken went into effect, chicken prices went up by 22 percent, Al Ghad reported, with some companies selling their products for JD2.5 per kilogram.

The previously set cap was at JD2 per kg.

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