Jordan faced more than 3 million email attacks this year, report

(Photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN – The 2021 semi-annual report of Trend Micro Inc., a leading company in the field of cyber security, revealed that the company has detected and blocked more than 3.3 million e-mail attacks in Jordan, according to Ad- Dustour daily.اضافة اعلان

According to the report, more than 700,000 attacks through malicious links and 238 attacks through host links were prevented, in addition to more than 300,000 malware attacks that were identified and stopped.

Trend Micro solutions intercepted 40.9 billion cyber threats via email, malicious files, and links globally, with a yearly increase of 47 percent.
Cybercriminals targeted various parties by employing advanced malware tools that could hack systems to steal and encrypt victims’ data, The Banking sector was particularly subject to ransomware attacks.

Mahmoud Arabi, Head of Business Development at Trend Micro in the Levant, said: “The report on the security situation for the first half of 2021 provides valuable insight and information that helps Jordanian companies adopt the latest security solutions and strategies to be able to face cyber-attacks.

He added, “For nearly two years, the pandemic has affected the security of corporate digital environments, so cyber security is an essential and sensitive element to ensure business stability, and I advise companies to reassess their security situation and strengthen digital infrastructure to combat current threats.”

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