House panel Kazakh envoy discuss ways to enhance joint cooperation

(Photo: Petra )
Amman — Lower House Foreign Affairs Committee said Jordan-Kazakhstan relations are "historic," with many common regional positions, especially in relation to the Palestinian cause.اضافة اعلان

In a meeting with Kazakhstan Ambassador to Jordan, Aidarabek Tumatov, on Monday, the committee's Chairman, MP Mirza Boulad, said Jordan is looking forward to more joint cooperation, especially since Kazakhstan enjoys a global reputation in many economic, tourism, agricultural and energy fields.

The MP valued Kazakhstan's "supportive" stances for the Palestinian cause and the Hashemite custodianship over Jerusalem's Islamic and Christian holy sites.

Boulad also pointed to Jordan's burdens due to the refugee crises and the Covid-19 pandemic, which "remarkably" affected the stability and growth of the national economy.

Meanwhile, the committee's members called for the need to benefit from Kazakhstan's expertise in dealing with many fields, primarily economy, energy, tourism and agriculture, which have become a "successful" global model in these areas.

affirmed his country's keenness and support for the Hashemite custodianship over Jerusalem's holy sites, adding that areas of joint cooperation are "available in all directions," especially regarding the business, agriculture and renewable energy sectors.

Tumatov also said prospects for consultations between His Majesty King Abdullah II and Kazakh President Nazarbayev are maintained on regional and international issues, especially establishing security and peace in the region.

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