House committee's proposed general amnesty bill to avoid expanding exceptions

parliament lower house
(File photo: Ameer Khalifeh/Jordan News)
AMMAN MP Bassam Fayez, chairman of the Lower House Public Freedoms and Human Rights Committee, clarified that the proposed general amnesty bill submitted to the Lower House Permanent Office by the committee last month will avoid expanding exceptions. اضافة اعلان

According to Fayez, the committee did not specify categories or exceptions in the bill, as it falls under the jurisdiction of the Legislation and Opinion Bureau and the government when formulating the law, Ammon News reported.

However, the committee did not rule out the possibility of exceptions if they are presented to the council, but it tends to avoid expanding them to avoid issuing it in a format similar to the special law issued in 2019, which included 23 exceptions.

85 members of council sign the billFayez had previously stated that the proposed general amnesty bill was delivered to the permanent office after being signed by 85 members of the council.

It is likely that the council will vote on its transfer to the legal committee before sending it to the Legislation and Opinion Bureau when it is presented by the office.

Since January last year, a group of MPs have been calling for the issuance of a general amnesty law as a solution to the problem of overcrowding in rehabilitation centers and improving the services provided to inmates.

As of May 2022, the occupancy rate of prisons had reached about 140 percent, according to statements by Brig. Gen, Ammar Al-Qudah, director of rehabilitation centers.

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