Full text of Prince Hamzah’s letter of apology to King Abdullah

Royal court
(Photo: Royal court)
Following is the full English translation of the letter of apology sent by HRH Prince Hamzah bin Al Hussein earlier this week to His Majesty King Abdullah II:اضافة اعلان

“In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful,

Prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Mohammad, and upon his family and companions.

My brother, Your Majesty King Abdullah II ibn Al Hussein,

 I write to Your Majesty with my deepest respect and appreciation and I pray that God protect you and grant you good health and that you remain a pillar of strength for our nation and our family.

Last year, our beloved Jordan endured trying circumstances and a regrettable chapter in its history. Yet, our country persevered, guided by your wisdom, patience, and tolerance. The months that have passed since have afforded me the opportunity to honestly look within and self-reflect, and I find myself compelled to write to you—my eldest brother and the head of our Hashemite family—hoping that we can turn the page on this chapter in our country’s and our family’s history.

I have erred, Your Majesty, and to err is human. I, therefore, bear responsibility for the stances I have taken and the offences I have committed against Your Majesty and our country over the past years, culminating in the events of the sedition case. I seek Your Majesty’s forgiveness, knowing that you have always been very forgiving.

 I apologize to Your Majesty, to the people of Jordan, and to our family, for my actions which, God willing, will not be repeated.

I reaffirm, as I have pledged before our uncle HRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal, that I will follow in the footsteps of our forefathers, and remain loyal to their legacy, devoted to their path of service to the people of Jordan, and committed to our Constitution, under Your Majesty’s wise leadership.

May God safeguard Your Majesty as an inspiring leader and a compassionate brother, and may God grant you and HRH Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II every success in the service of Jordan and in leading our country on a course which, God willing, will always be one of pride and achievements.

Peace, God’s mercy, and blessings be upon you.

Your brother,

Hamzah bin Al Hussein


6 March 2022.”

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