Wiggins out of Warriors home games over vaccine stance

Andrew Wiggins (Photo: From Andrew Wiggins Instagram account)
SAN FRANCISCO, United States — The NBA on Friday denied a request from Andrew Wiggins for religious exemption from the COVID-19 vaccine, meaning the Golden State Warriors swingman will be unable to play home games for the club.اضافة اعلان

A statement said Wiggins' refusal to take the vaccine meant he would be in violation of San Francisco city health department rules, which require all people attending large indoor events to be vaccinated.

Wiggins, 26, had requested an exemption from the rule on religious grounds. However, that plea was rejected by the NBA.

"The NBA has reviewed and denied Andrew Wiggins' request for religious exemption from the San Francisco Department of Public Health's order requiring COVID-19 vaccination for all participants age 12 and older at large indoor events," the NBA said in a statement.

Wiggins is one of the highest profile NBA players to publicly confirm he will not take the vaccine.

"To each his own, really. Whoever wants to get it, can get it; whoever doesn't want to get it, don't get it," Wiggins said in March.

"Right now, I'm not getting it, but it's no knock on anyone else that's getting it. I make my own decisions. But right now, I decided not to get it."
The Warriors first home game of the regular season takes place against the Los Angeles Clippers on October 21.