How teachers and students feel about artificial intelligence

As the school year begins, how teachers and students feel about AI has changed. (Photo: NYTimes)
I recently attended a ChatGPT workshop for teachers at Walla Walla High School, situated about 270 miles southeast of Seattle. As an education technology reporter, I've closely monitored the transformative impact of generative artificial intelligence in education.اضافة اعلان

As the first full school year of the AI chatbot era begins, I aimed to learn how administrators and educators have evolved their thinking since last spring. Walla Walla, serving approximately 5,500 students, provides an interesting starting point. After initially blocking student access to ChatGPT in February, Walla Walla administrators unblocked it last month, signaling a shift towards embracing AI tools.

Teaching with AI:- Katy Pearce, an associate professor at the University of Washington, extolled AI chatbots. She employs them for creating diverse quiz questions, checking instructions for clarity, and generating activity and assignment ideas. However, she found their utility limited when evaluating student essays.

- Nicole Haddad at Southern Methodist University emphasized the importance of teaching students how to discern valuable information, encouraging critical thinking about AI-generated data, and expanding their interactions with chatbots for richer feedback.

Studying with AI tools:- Amedeo Bettauer, a rising ninth-grader at Brookline High School, found ChatGPT immensely helpful for preparing in geometry. Its inexhaustible capacity for answering questions made it akin to a personalized math tutor.

- Sam Avery, a recent graduate of the University of Iowa, highlighted how AI chatbots simplify complex concepts and offer tailored responses for tasks such as outlining essays, business plans, and emails.

- Emma Nazario, a first-year student at Wheaton College, acknowledged the convenience of AI chatbots but expressed concerns about their potential to make students overly reliant, potentially undermining the joy of independent learning.

**Drawbacks:- Travis Huckell, an associate professor at MacEwan University, warned that AI chatbots have industrialized and automated plagiarism, raising concerns about academic integrity.

- Ricardo Galliano Court, assistant dean for academic integrity and undergraduate research at Northwestern University, foresees a growing gap between those who effectively utilize AI as a tool and those who do not, potentially exacerbating educational inequalities.

A Lesson plan for the AI era:Some respondents suggested the need for federal regulations to protect student privacy and intellectual property in AI education. They also called for universities and districts to provide clearer guidelines for innovative AI tool use.

Ethan Mollick, an associate professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, offered insights on how teachers and students might navigate AI tools in the coming school year:
- Detecting AI-based cheating is challenging, and he suggested alternative assessment methods like oral exams.
- Teachers may need to adapt by implementing in-class exams with restricted technology use.
- The long-term challenge lies in redefining education in the era of AI, with students demanding clarity on how they can use AI to enhance learning.

One Educator's View:Jennifer Parnell, a history teacher at the Lawrenceville School in New Jersey, adopted AI chatbots in her honors U.S. history and environmental science courses. She found AI's potential fascinating but also had concerns about bias, privacy, and academic honesty. However, she believed that AI had prompted educators to reflect on the purpose of education and assessment.

This article provides a snapshot of how AI chatbots are shaping education and the evolving roles of educators and students in this AI-driven landscape.

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