Today's Horoscopes

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(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: As you build new confidence, it becomes visible to others. Put business decisions on the back burner and concentrate on making loved ones happy. Impress your fan club with your trustworthiness and fairness.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: Drill down complex issues to their essential ingredients. This could be a prime time to investigate new interests and pursue a passion for learning. Work to be clear on when to be transparent and when to be discreet.

GEMINI: Work hard all day so you can relax this evening. Forget about schemes and tactics — focus on expressing love and affection. Help a partner or loved one to better understand your fundamental wants and needs.

CANCER: Let an experienced mentor walk you through important financial decisions. A third party could have valuable insights. Take advantage of sound advice before you undertake new projects or sign contracts.

LEO: Don’t second-guess an opportunity or sincere offer. What you see is most likely what you get. You should not need complicated plans to achieve your hopes and dreams. Let romance rule your roost and express tender feelings this weekend.

VIRGO: Gather loose ends so you can put something worthwhile together. You should possess the skill set to take advantage of any opportunities that land in your lap. A romantic partner can be an excellent adviser and supporter.

LIBRA: Those who are reliable rather than reckless should receive a glowing recommendation. Your public image may be boosted by unseen sources. Achieve your financial goals and ambitions by sticking to the tried and true.

SCORPIO: This isn’t the time to look a gift horse in the mouth. Have faith that all is well and flowing just as it should and ride off into the sunset. Whatever comes your way is probably in your best interest to accept.

SAGITTARIUS: Loved ones may have behaved badly but deserve to receive the benefit of the doubt. This could be a good time to foster peace and accept apologies. You may become obsessed with the mysteries of making money.

CAPRICORN: Your focus may be riveted on completing a special project. Drive and determination can be great assets that help you succeed with business, work, career or any undertaking that is close to your heart.

AQUARIUS: The higher the bar, the further you must reach to lift yourself up. You may be your own worst critic and may therefore be subconsciously limiting yourself. Put your knowledge, expertise and experience to good use.

PISCES: Your energy levels might occasionally falter if there is discord in your home. However, this is an excellent time to set the record straight and put an argument to rest. Embrace incoming opportunities or offers.

IF NOV. 19 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: The dreams you hold dear could come true between now and the end of the year if you take advantage of holiday outings to gather inspiration. Any romantic fantasies may be best expressed with a luxury vacation or weekend retreat. Prepare to work hard and prove you are responsible and ethical in January and February when your performance might be held under a microscope. Do not launch new initiatives, add to your debt load or sign contracts, because both your luck and your business chops could be at a low point. For the best results wait until early March when your business sense is enhanced to make key decisions, or to put important changes, such as a new job or career, into motion. Your creative talents and imagination are at a peak in late March, when it would be a good idea to write down and preserve any incredible ideas you think of or run across.

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