Today's Horoscopes

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(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: Some family issues may seem unreasonable or confusing. Power ahead past these fleeting disagreements by focusing on achieving your ambitions and using your energy wisely. Any job worth doing is worth doing well.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: Someone’s eyes may be upon you so be sure to do your best. A family member may need to disrupt your schedule so you might have to adjust your plans. Unique ideas and original concepts could capture your imagination today.

GEMINI: Stay in your own lane and let someone else read between the lines. What you say could grab someone’s interest so be sure that whatever you say is worth repeating. Count on a partner to give shrewd financial advice.

CANCER: Untangle any emotional misunderstandings. You may be in someone’s crosshairs if you create disruption over something that seems trivial. This is not a good time to make major changes to your bank accounts or investments.

LEO: Be sure that if you switch gears, you do not grind them. You may be challenged to make a smooth transition to something new or unique. Be cut and dried about the facts but thoughtful and sensitive with people.

VIRGO: Smooth your way to the top by saying the right words at the right time. It is in your best interests to cooperate rather than compete with others. This is a good time to make a conscious commitment to do better.

LIBRA: You might want to be a social butterfly but could feel ostracized for the time being. Focus on being a wise negotiator and follow the lead of a savvy partner when money is involved. Do not initiate anything new.

SCORPIO: Don’t count your chickens before they hatch. There is never a free lunch or a sure thing, so adopt a wait-and-see approach. Be patient and let changeable events play out to the end before taking any action.

SAGITTARIUS: Timing is everything. Make an effort to impress someone at the right time and in the right places. It is said that battles are won or lost in the preparation, so focus on making smart strategies and plans.

CAPRICORN: Don’t stir the pot. Concentrate on handling your obligations to the best of your abilities. It is a poor time to sign financial agreements or to purchase with a credit card as it may take a long time to pay off.

AQUARIUS: Your work or appearance may be under scrutiny. Double check your facts and figures to avoid mistakes. You might be placed in a situation where you must rely on yourself rather than expect help from others.

PISCES: Don’t let the cat out of the bag or otherwise say something you should not say. There could be temporary disruptions or changes that make it difficult to work. A partner or friend could support your efforts.

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