ARIES: Even if it feels difficult, wait for the time to be
right. In the following week, you might rush ahead when others want you to
wait. You may feel pressured to make premature starts on work projects.
اضافة اعلان
TAURUS: Foster team spirit to minimize the size of a stream
of work in the upcoming week. Avoid taking a loved one’s cooperation for
granted. Remain willing to compromise to get the ball rolling on a new project
or agreement.
GEMINI: When you say you mean business, you are not kidding.
Be sure to handle your personal affairs with the same level of competence and
attention to detail you expect from others. Widen your business contact network
this week.
CANCER: You may yearn for more play time when business calls
for your attention. Avoid drama and misunderstandings with loved ones and
family members as the week unfolds. The dreams you hold sacred may be well
within reach.
LEO: Revise your decisions by including more consideration
for the needs of others. There are times when it is better to put the other
person first. Don’t be afraid to ask for forgiveness if you lose it or have a
VIRGO: Get your ducks lined up in a row. Get everything
streamlined and organized to enjoy the most beneficial results. You could
receive the advice and support necessary to achieve a worthy and significant
goal this week.
LIBRA: There are times you must fight for peace or defend
your ideals. It may be easy to get projects started in the week to come but do
not forget to follow through. Avoid offending family members by being mindful
of their feelings.
SCORPIO: Don’t let any tendency towards self-indulgence
overshadow your good judgment. You may be preoccupied by a research project or
disagreements as the week unfolds. Don’t be hesitant to ask for help and
SAGITTARIUS: Money isn’t everything. Think through purchases
and financial proposals carefully in the week ahead or you may end up wasting
money to prove a point. Focus on spending time and money on your family.
CAPRICORN: Take it slow and easy. Attend to the necessities
of life but don’t let a desire for material success consume all your time and
energy in the week ahead. Any display of temper will be counterproductive.
AQUARIUS: Weigh pros and cons carefully. You are more likely
to overspend than save as the week begins. Your open-minded attitude can
attract levelheaded friends who will help you make wiser financial decisions.
PISCES: You won’t need to knock wood to enjoy good luck and
blessings in the week ahead. A positive outlook and faith in the outcome of
your plans will help guide you toward making the most helpful choices.
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