Today's Horoscopes

(Photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: Stop beating yourself up and start enjoying the things that make you happy. Channel your energy into something you feel passionate about, and you'll discover something you want to pursue wholeheartedly. Change is up to you. Follow your heart.  اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: An emotional situation will escalate quickly. Take control and put a positive spin on whatever develops to maintain peace and order. It's up to you to keep things manageable instead of letting them spin out of control.  

GEMINI: Spend time with those you know and trust instead of trying to make new connections. Tried-and-true methods won't disappoint. Put your heart into learning and achieving what you set out to do, and you'll be happy with the results.  

CANCER: Stretch your imagination; you'll come up with an idea that opens a window of opportunity that you least expect. Don't stand in the way of progress because you are hesitant to do things differently. An adventure will expand your mind.  

LEO: An unpredictable attitude can be advantageous if multitasking is required. Jumping from one thing to another with ease and grace will make it look easy and impress onlookers. Stand tall, do your own thing and see what happens.  

VIRGO: You are perfectly able to make a move if you hustle. Assess the situation quickly. You don't want to waste a moment when the timing is right. Pull in the people you feel comfortable sharing with, then proceed.  

LIBRA: Take your time. Overreacting or making assumptions will backfire. Stick to your original plans, and home in on what's important and needs to be taken care of before moving on to other projects and pursuits. Keep the peace and do your own thing.  

SCORPIO: Underlying emotional turmoil will get to you if you don't address issues swiftly. Do what's necessary to ensure everyone knows how you feel. Being secretive will only confuse those around you, leaving you in a vulnerable position.  

SAGITTARIUS: Pay attention to money matters, what old friends or relatives are going through and contracts coming to term. Staying on top of small details and principles will help you ward off interference and criticism. Stick to your plan.  

CAPRICORN: You'll have plenty to do, and you'll get good results if you push forward with the changes you want to make. A partnership will get the boost it needs to bring you closer together. Physical improvements and romance are encouraged.  

AQUARIUS: Set your sights on what's important to you, and don't look back. Lift barriers, and embrace what life has to offer. Don't wait for someone to beat you to the punch. Take advantage of every opportunity to make things happen.  
PISCES: Ask, and you shall receive. Don't be shy; do something if you want to see things change. Become the driving force behind what you want to happen, and you'll have no regrets. Assess your situation and make your move.  

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