Beyond Dimensions: Art, music and meditation at Kawon

Beyond Dimensions exhibition
(Photo: Lucy Waja/Jordan News)
AMMAN — Until Sunday evening, art enthusiasts and supporters of local businesses can catch an exhibition called “Beyond Dimensions” at Kawon Bookstore in Madaba, conducted in association with ForumZFD. اضافة اعلان

The show features two multifaceted artists, Hazam “Shajar” Qaqa and his wife, Nicole Carter.

The exhibition features 38 unique pieces of art crafted from various colors, shapes, sizes, and mediums.  The pieces are spread out around Kawon’s outdoor area.

Shajar, whose name means “trees” in Arabic, finds his inspiration from nature, shapes, different fonts, and Arabic letters. “I see Arabic letters in a different perspective, I think seeing something in one perspective is not enough. That’s why I write Arabic letters in a pattern so people may feel emotions, and it would also be comfortable for the eyes,” the artist said in an interview with Jordan News.

Carter, an Australian who has been drawing since she was little, started taking art seriously two years ago when she met Shajar. “A lot of my work is inspired by tribal dance,” she told Jordan News. “Not only is my work illustrative but it is also my abstract take on tribal dance and culture.”

During the art exhibition’s opening, there were musical performances by Ghaith Jean, on guitar and vocals, and Alexandra Matei, who played the Tibetan standing bell — a reversed bell played by knocking on the rims of the bowl which is mainly played for méditation. The attendees were asked to close their eyes and “de-stress” from all the anxieties in their life. Afterwards, Jean, one of Kawon’s owners, performed a poem with an added instrumental element and a cover of an indie song.

Kawon was started in 2016 from a street initiative called “Books on the Road” by Ghaith Jean. His initiative sought to raise funds to finance the first and only bookshop in Madaba.

In the beginning of 2021, ForumZFD, a German nonprofit, formed a partnership with Kawon. “ForumZFD is a German non-profit organization dealing specifically in civil peace services,” explained Raheil Barakat, community development officer at ForumZFD, in an interview with Jordan News. “Also, we try to detect and prevent disputes in the communities.”

Prior to ForumZFD’s collaboration with Kawon, they hosted brainstorming sessions in collaboration with the local community in Madaba. “We built our results on problem and situational analysis,” said Barakat. That is how we decided to have the art exhibition as our first event today. ”

In addition to the art exhibition, which will be open until Sunday evening, there will be art workshops taught by Shajar and Nicole held at Kawon for children. The children will be taught Arabic calligraphy and painting using different mediums.