Orange Jordan Sponsors IoT Event at Princess Sumaya University for Technology

Orange Jordan sponsored an Internet
of Things (IoT) event, organized by The IoT Club at the Princess Sumaya
University for Technology (PSUT).
The event was held at the university with the
participation of experts and industry professionals in the technology sector.
The event aimed to bridge the gap
between the academic sector and industry requirements, while promoting
innovation in advanced technology fields. This sponsorship highlights Orange’s ongoing
commitment to supporting initiatives that empower both youth and the community.
Orange Jordan expressed its pride in
sponsoring this event, which aligns with its vision of promoting digital
transformation and enabling youth to explore the latest innovations. The
company emphasized that the well-established partnership with universities is
gaining momentum to turn the Kingdom into a hub that introduces interested individuals to the latest
global advancements across all fields.
The event featured a series of expert
talks and inspiring workshops that addressed the latest developments and
applications in the Internet of Things (IoT), offering students and academics a
platform to connect and engage with technology leaders and explore
opportunities for collaboration and growth.
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