Ayla celebrates “World Patient Safety Day”

Sports day held by the Ayla Oasis Development Company in celebration of “World Patient Safety Day.” (Photo: Handout from Ayla Oasis Development Company)
AQABA — The Ayla Oasis Development Company, in cooperation with the Aqaba Health Directorate, organized a sports day in celebration of the eighth “Change Day” and “World Patient Safety Day” established by the World Health Organization (WHO).اضافة اعلان

The launch of this event is an embodiment of Ayla’s social responsibility strategy, which places awareness of health, sports practices, and the health sector itself as its top priority.

Under the supervision of Ayla’s technical and training teams, Ayla organized a golf training day for several cancer patients.

For the eighth consecutive year, The Health Care Accreditation Council (HCAC) held a lecture on proper nutrition, the benefits of exercise, and the effects of smoking, under the slogan “For Your Safety and Mine, Let’s Change” launched by the World Health Organization on September 17, 2021, for “World Patient Safety Day.”

Ayla’s Managing Director, Eng. Sahl Dudin said, “Ayla has always reflected its philosophy as an active community by supporting environmental health and sports activities. Over Ayla’s decade and a half life span, it is evident that the health sector is at the top of our priorities as part of our social responsibility strategy, demonstrated by the COVID-19 pandemic. We will continue to actively engage in initiatives that support the Jordanian health sector in Aqaba, build upon exceptional achievements and leave our positive mark.”

The Director of Health Affairs in Aqaba Governorate, Dr. Adnan Abbas, valued Ayla’s participation in supporting the health sector initiatives at the Aqaba Special Economic Zone and the national level. Abbas recalls a long and rich history of support, cooperation, and partnership with Ayla as it enhances the quality of medical services, patient safety and promotes health education.

In light of the ongoing challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, the World Health Organization plans to implement virtual educational activities to celebrate “World Patient Safety Day” throughout September 2021. The signature mark of the global campaign is to light up iconic landmarks in orange to express global patient safety.

HCAC, through its eighth annual “Change Day,” encourages the promotion of initiatives among employees and managers in the health sector and the importance of their pledge for change in their work environments for the better.

Ayla’s participation in celebrating “World Patient Safety Day” reflects its commitment to the community and its role in supporting local institutions and actively contributing to national works keeping with its approach and corporate vision.

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