Unemployment rate drops to 23.2% — Shraideh

Nasser Al-Shraideh
(Photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — Minister of Planning and International Cooperation Nasser Shraideh stated on Tuesday that Jordan’s unemployment rate has dropped to 23.2 percent in the third quarter of this year, 1.6 percent lower in comparison with the second quarter of this year.اضافة اعلان

Speaking during his meeting with the economic and investment committee in the Lower House, Shraideh added that unemployment among youth decreased to 44.9 percent in the third quarter of this year, compared with 48.5 percent that was recorded in the second quarter of the same year.

Shraideh added, in statements to Al-Mamlaka TV, that the number of unemployed Jordanians is expected to reach half a million by end of the year.

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