Studies underway for floating nuclear reactor in Aqaba

nuclear power plant
Nuclear reactor. (Photo: Envato Elements)
AMMAN — The waters of Aqaba may become home to a floating Jordanian nuclear reactor, according to the director of the Jordan Atomic Energy Commission (JAEC) Khaled Touqan, news outlets reported. اضافة اعلان

Touqan, a former minister, said the project is still under study, noting that regional countries may present reservations to the plan.

In a full-length interview with Russian news outlet Sputnik, the director spoke about the potential use of small nuclear reactors for water desalination and electrical regeneration.

Waiting for a green light from the governmentInfrastructure, site, and cooling studies have been completed, but the final green light has to come from the government, he said.

Looking forward to the next 10 years, the JAEC is looking into small reactors and drawing insight from different global models, including those created by Russia, Korea, France, and the UK, trying to determine the optimal technical specifications and how to adapt such reactors to the Jordanian environment, Touqan said.

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