Rallies countrywide in support of Gaza

Demonstrators protest outside the Israeli embassy on Wednesday, May 19, 2021. Other rallies, including one by people on horseback, took place on Wednesday to show solidarity with Palestinians. (Photo:
Rallies countrywide in support of Gaza
Amman - Marches against the cruel Israeli onslaught on the Gaza Strip, which has resulted in thousands of martyrs and injuries, the most of whom are women and children, were started today after Friday prayer in Amman, the capital of Jordan, and other governorates of the Kingdom.اضافة اعلان

The marchers demanded that Arab nations, as well as human rights organizations worldwide, step in to oppose the violence directed on the Gaza Strip. Additionally, they urged the international community, the Security Council, and pertinent international organizations to fulfill their obligations and put an end to the aggression, which is an obvious assault on helpless civilians and a breach of humanitarian law.

The demonstrators honored the heroic struggle of the Palestinian people and the resistance against the Israeli death and destruction machinery as well as the renowned fortitude of the people of Gaza and Palestine in the face of genocide atrocities.

They expressed gratitude for Jordan's role in defending the Palestinian cause, stopping Israeli aggression, stopping attacks and practices against the Palestinian people, and supporting the people in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank under the direction of His Majesty King Abdullah II.

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