PM pays unannounced visit to tax department

Prime Minister Bisher Al-Khasawneh convenes with the ministerial committee to follow up on field visits. (Photo: Petra)
Prime Minister Bisher Al-Khasawneh convenes with the ministerial committee to follow up on field visits. (Photo: Petra)
AMMAN — Prime Minister Bisher Al-Khasawneh paid an unannounced field visit to the Income and Sales Tax Department (ISTD) on Sunday for a progress update.اضافة اعلان

During the visit, the premier stressed that the department must provide citizens, the economic sector, and investors with the best services possible, as a way of implementing His Majesty King Abdullah’s directives on easing the tax process for taxpayers.

Khasawneh emphasized that the relationship between the tax department and taxpayers must be built on mutual trust, stating that both must perform their duties towards the country and its economy.

The PM also stressed the importance of on-site inspections by ISTD staff, who he called on to carry out their jobs with the highest level of professionalism and objectivity. 

“It’s of utmost importance that citizens and work and investment sectors feel that the department was established to serve them and that ISTD collections are accurate and objective,” he said.

The private sector is key to the country’s development, Khasawneh added, noting its role in making Jordan a destination for investments that boosts the economy and provides jobs for younger citizens.

He also stressed the importance of assessing taxpayers’ complaints to settle administrative grievances before they are submitted to the judiciary system.

Khasawneh called for a speedy approval of the national billing system, which is set to bring "real revenue" to the state treasury, allowing ISTD personnel to speed up the auditing process.

The prime minister also visited the Customer Service Office.

Husam Abu Ali, head of ISTD, said that tax reforms will not be limited to following up on violations related to tax avoidance or tax evasion but will also include improving tax services for compliant taxpayers.

The department formed auditing teams to educate and guide taxpayers, and to protect them from committing any violations, according to Abu Ali.

According to Jordan News Agency, Petra in a Cabinet session held on Sunday, Khasawneh urged his ministerial committee to follow up on his field visits across the Kingdom.

He also encouraged the committee to submit progress reports to ensure that citizens and investors are provided with quality services and that their complaints are addressed in a way that melds with the government’s COVID-19 recovery plan and “advances the economic landscape”.

“Citizens must see a remarkable improvement in this aspect,” he said.

So far, the Cabinet has approved the committee’s recommendations for settling issues between taxpayers and the tax department.