NCHR launches its first strategic plan

An undated photo of the National Center for Human Rights’ headquarters in Amman. (Photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — The National Center for Human Rights (NCHR) on Monday launched its first strategic plan for 2021–2023. The plan will act as a roadmap for the center’s endeavors and objectives and, it is hoped, will help it successfully reach its goals.اضافة اعلان

The NCHR’s General Commissioner Alaa Al-Armouti said the center needed to come up with a plan that will enable it to assess its work, set a vision for the future, and define the minor goals to achieve in order to get the overall goal.
The plan should help identify weaknesses and strengths, and prepare programs and projects according to which the NCHR could work.

“It is an important step to eliminate the scattering of activities and efforts,” he added.

The NCHR’s strategic plan works on three main axes, Armouti told Jordan News. One builds the capabilities of the center cadres, the internal organization, and the process of archiving the work and achievements of the center.
Another organizes and strengthens the tasks undertaken by the center, such as dealing with complaints and cooperating with other institutions and associations, and the third raises awareness and educates the society about the importance of respecting human rights.

“We have set many sub-goals within these axes, all linked with a group of projects we seek to carry out, to multiple activities that help achieve the desired goal over three years,” Armouti said, adding that the center seeks, through this strategic plan, to give an impetus to future work. The plan will be a “guide for future plans”.

The general commissioner said the center needs JD1.5 million to be able to carry out all its programs and tasks appropriately, but that only JD750,000 is allocated to the center from the general budget, “which is a weak budget compared to what the NCHR needs and which could derail the center’s plan”.

Media spokesman for the General Budget Department Mohammad Al-Aqili told Jordan News that “the general budget is limited”, and it is “impossible” for his department to provide the money that all institutions require, adding that the department allocates sums from the budget to institutions and departments based on the importance of the work of these institutions and their revenues. 
As such, and after consideration, the budget for the NCHR was increased by JD100,000, bringing the total to JD850,000.

“This increase is not bad, in view of the capacity of the General Budget Department and when compared to what it grants many other institutions and departments,” said Aqili.

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