Jordan condemns Israel’s illegal settlement expansion in East Jerusalem

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Jordan
(File photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates strongly condemned Israel's decision to construct a new settlement in occupied East Jerusalem. This move, according to the Ministry, represents a blatant violation of international law, particularly Security Council Resolution (2334), which declares settlements illegitimate across the occupied Palestinian territories.اضافة اعلان

Ambassador Dr. Sufyan Qudah, the ministry's spokesperson, emphasized Jordan's rejection of Israeli settlement policies in the occupied Palestinian territories, including East Jerusalem. These policies involve the construction and expansion of settlements, land confiscation, demolitions, population displacement, and the establishment of bypass roads to serve settlements. All of these actions starkly contradict agreements between Israel and the Palestinians, as well as the principles of international law and humanitarian law.

The spokesperson stated that Israel's unilateral practices, such as building and expanding settlements, confiscating Palestinian lands, and displacing people from their homes, are not only illegal but also rejected. These practices constitute war crimes and a blatant violation of international law, humanitarian law, and Israel's obligations as an occupying power. Moreover, these actions undermine the foundations of peace, conflict resolution efforts, and the achievement of a just, comprehensive, and lasting peace based on a two-state solution and legitimate international resolutions.

The Ministry's spokesperson reiterated the call for the international community to urgently intervene and halt Israel's unilateral and illegitimate actions, which undermine all prospects for peace. He stressed the need to compel Israel to respect international legitimacy and fulfill its responsibilities as the occupying power. These actions, occurring concurrently with the aggressive war on Gaza, will lead to further deterioration and escalation for which Israel bears responsibility.

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