Jordan amongst first to implement deinstitutionalization for disabled — Minister

Jordan amongst first to implement deinstitutionalization for disabled — Minister
(Photo: Petra)
AMMAN — Minister of Social Development, Wafaa Bani Mustafa, announced on Tuesday that Jordan was amongst the first Arab countries to implement deinstitutionalization for people with disabilities and to undertake the process of community-based care, the Jordan News Agency, Petra reported.اضافة اعلان

Speaking at the opening of the Al-Amal Center for Special Education in Salt, Bani Mustafa stated that the ministry is in the process of reviewing all related legislation, including the deinstitutionalization bylaw, to provide disabled people with the best services possible.

Community-based careBani Mustafa emphasized that the 2017 Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act is part of implementing the ministry’s deinstitutionalization strategy, which includes the construction and development of inclusive, community-based day-care centers to break the isolation of people with disabilities.

Meanwhile, Muhammad Shomali, the head of the Al-Salt Islamic Charity Association, which runs the Al-Amal Center, said that the association serves 1,700 male and female students and employs around 170 employees.

He noted that the association aims to serve the local community, create educational leaders, and focus on promoting distinguished and creative students.

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