IAF ‘concerned’ that amendments restrict House’s powers

The Islamic Action Front Party quarters - (Archives)
(Photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — The Islamic Action Front (IAF) expressed concerns about the Lower House’s approval of constitutional amendments proposed by the government, according to Amman Net. اضافة اعلان

According to an IAF statement, the amendments would limit the Kingdom’s overall authority and restrict the powers of the Lower House. They would also change the political system in Jordan from monarchy and parliamentary into an absolute monarchy, with His Majesty the King at the forefront of the executive power. Moreover, the amendments deviate from the constitutional principle that says that “the people are the source of power”, which poses a risk to the political system and threatens its stability.

IAF also said that approving the amendments in such a short time without holding a national dialogue contradicts the official statements about achieving reform and public participation in decision making.

Neither are the amendments in line with the Royal directive of passing the results of the Royal Committee for Modernizing the Political System to the Parliament as they are. As a result, the committee will lose some of its privileges in a way which does not serve the country’s interests and the political system.

The front also stressed that the current way of dealing with the country’s affairs is bound to exacerbate the political, economic, and social crises, and increase the trust gap between the public and the country’s institutions. To prevent that, separation of powers must be clearly observed, and the public should participate in the decision-making process through elected parliamentary governments.

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