330,000 refugees in Jordan benefit from UNHCR cash aid

1. Syrian refugee
(File photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — Approximately 330,000 refugees in Jordan benefited from cash assistance provided by the UNHCR, exceeding $72 million in 2023. Jordan ranks second among Arab countries in refugee cash support. اضافة اعلان

The UNHCR report indicates that refugees, displaced persons, and host community members received $243 million in the Middle East and North Africa last year. Jordanian refugees received $72.6 million in 2023, up from $70.1 million in 2022. The UNHCR provided cash aid in 16 operational areas in the region, Khaberni reported.

Lebanon topped Arab countries in refugee cash aid, followed by Jordan, Yemen, Iraq, and Egypt. The UNHCR aided over 1,250 earthquake-affected families in northwest Syria in 2023. The cash support enabled refugees to start small projects, cover medical expenses, access life-saving services, secure housing, repair homes, and receive other forms of financial aid.

However, the UNHCR couldn't assist 738,628 eligible individuals due to increased demand, marking a 27 percent rise from 2022. Cash aid outside camps in Jordan will decrease by 25% monthly starting May 2024 due to reduced donor funding. Winter assistance wasn't provided to refugees in several countries, including Jordan, due to UNHCR funding shortages.

Jordan hosts 55,292 registered Iraqi refugees and over 1.3 million Syrians, including 639,552 registered refugees. The UNHCR serves 714,088 refugees of all nationalities except Palestinian refugees under UNRWA, as of March 3, 2024.

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