Why a maritime deal with Israel may be good for Lebanon

offshore oil platform
(Photo: Envato Elements)
offshore oil platform

Osama Al Sharif

Osama Al Sharif is a journalist and political commentator based in Amman.

In the midst of all the somber reports coming from Lebanon over the past few years, there is suddenly a chance for some good news that could alter the country’s current downward trajectory. Both Israel and Lebanon have sent signals that after years of intermittent indirect talks to define their maritime borders, a US-mediated offer could get the seal of approval from the two neighboring countries.اضافة اعلان

On Monday, Lebanese President Michel Aoun tweeted that negotiations to demarcate the southern maritime borders have reached the “final stages”, and were conducted in a way that guarantees the nation’s right to explore for oil and gas.

Aoun — an ally of Hezbollah at a bitterly divided political stage — whose term is about to end, would not have made such a positive tweet without checking with his key supporters first.

On the other side of the disputed border, Israeli officials have hinted that a recent compromise proposal by US mediator Amos Hochstein regarding the exact route of the border in the Mediterranean Sea may be acceptable to Israel even though, according to them, it leans more toward the Lebanese side.

According to Haaretz, the compromise proposal focuses on Line 23, an intermediate line between the Lebanese demand regarding the location of the border (farther south) and the Israeli demand (farther north), albeit closer to the Lebanese demand. A decade ago, Lebanon had accepted Line 23 as its maritime border with Israel.

Lebanon had since insisted that its southern maritime boundary include line 29. Israel’s Karish field straddles Line 29 and is within a few miles from Lebanon’s Qana field.

The maritime dispute has been going on for decades, but the discovery a few years ago of large quantities of natural gas in the Eastern Mediterranean waters has renewed claims of sovereignty over disputed boundaries.

Israel had announced that drilling would commence in Karish this month, only to receive direct threats from Hezbollah’s leader Hassan Nasrallah, the most recent of which was last week. But while repeating his threats, Nasrallah appeared to be giving his blessing to an anticipated agreement. In his words, “Lebanon has a historic opportunity before it that won’t be repeated. It’s our own chance to produce oil and natural gas to deal with the economic crisis and our lives.”

He later said that Israel will not start drilling in September but prepare pipelines.
But whether there is oil and gas or not, a deal with Israel could lead to a political breakthrough that Lebanon badly needs. It could reopen talks with international financiers and even pave the way for a compromise among Lebanon’s power brokers.
Ironically, the fact that the two off-shore fields are within striking distance of each other may work to assure mutual keenness to preserve stability. If Lebanon and Israel accept the amended Line 23 offer, both will have much interest in preserving the tense peace along their border. That alone is an achievement, especially for the economically crippled Lebanon.

The change in position, by both Israel and Lebanon, is based on political and economic expediency. The US would have walked away if Lebanon had insisted on sticking to the Line 29 claim. That would have hurt both sides.

Israel may not be able to exploit the Karish field for the time being, although it can continue exploiting other fields further south. In Lebanon’s case, a US withdrawal from the talks would leave it with nothing.

Aoun and Nasrallah need to deliver good news to an increasingly frustrated Lebanese people. Since the May election, caretaker Prime Minister Najib Miqati has been unable to form a new government and pass a state budget. Lebanon’s economic troubles are mounting, its currency is in freefall and essential services are breaking down.

A maritime agreement may revive talks with the IMF and the World Bank for a financial bailout. It may even persuade Hezbollah to allow a new government to form ahead of crucial presidential elections.

Of course Lebanon’s path toward finding, drilling, pumping and selling offshore oil and gas is long and risky. On Monday, the Lebanese government said it was interested in taking an over 20 percent share in a consortium after a Russian company, Novatek, said it was withdrawing. Reuters reported that in 2020, the consortium, led by Italian and French companies, announced that it had completed exploratory drilling in Lebanon’s offshore Bloc 4, off the coast of Beirut, and said it had not found a commercially viable amount of hydrocarbons.

So far, and unlike the Karish field, there are no proven hydrocarbon reserves in the Qana field either, according to experts. Initial surveys suggest that the field has “high prospectivity”, but one cannot be sure without conducting exploratory drills — something that has not been done so far.

But whether there is oil and gas or not, a deal with Israel could lead to a political breakthrough that Lebanon badly needs. It could reopen talks with international financiers and even pave the way for a compromise among Lebanon’s power brokers.

A maritime deal would also achieve border stability between the two countries, sending the message that, for now, Israel is the least of Lebanon’s problems.

Osama Al Sharif is a journalist and political commentator based in Amman.

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