Russia accuses Ukraine of Putin assassination

(File photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — The presidential office said defenses downed two drones overnight.
A spokesman for the Russian President stated that the leader had not been in the complex at the time of the attack, the BBC reported. اضافة اعلان

Unverified footage on social media appeared to show an object flying over the Kremlin before a small explosion.

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky's spokesman said Ukraine was focusing on liberating its own territory after Russia invaded last year and that it had nothing to do with the alleged drone strike.

Another official told the BBC the reported incident indicated Russia could be "preparing a large-scale terrorist provocation" in Ukraine.

The two countries frequently trade accusations and denials since the full-scale Russian invasion in February 2022.

Russia said the two drones targeting the Kremlin — a large government complex in central Moscow — were disabled using electronic radar assets.

One video on social media showed smoke rising over the fortified complex, and in another a small explosion was visible above the Kremlin Senate building, while two men appeared to clamber up the dome.

In a statement, the Russian presidency said: "Last night, the Kyiv regime attempted to carry out a strike on the Kremlin residence of the President of the Russian Federation with unmanned aerial vehicles."

It said it regarded this "as a planned terrorist act and an assassination attempt on the president", and Russia "reserves the right to take retaliatory measures wherever and whenever is deemed necessary.”

The Russian leader was unhurt and his schedule would continue as normal, his office said. He was working in Novo Ogaryovo outside Moscow at the time.

Fragments of the drones had fallen on the Kremlin site, but no-one had been hurt and there was no damage to buildings, the presidency said. It also noted the incident had come shortly before Russia's May 9 Victory Day parade, which foreign dignitaries were expected to attend, and that the parade would continue.

While the motives of the drone attack are unclear and there is much speculation about it, an expert stated to the BBC that it could be to show that Russian people can be hit anywhere and to retaliate against the war they started in Ukraine.

More speculation from different statements also highlight that Russia may have fabricated the story.

Moscow's mayor Sergei Sobyanin on Wednesday announced a ban on unauthorized drone flights over the city. Drone flights would require a special government permit.

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