Israel's Gaza strategy: Targeted Hamas leader assassinations revealed

card deck
(Photo: Twitter/X)
TEL AVIV — Hebrew media reports reveal Israel's strategic approach in Gaza, involving the targeted assassination of three prominent Hamas leaders. The military outlines a multi-stage plan, highlighting incursions by forces in northern Gaza deep into the southern sector.اضافة اعلان

According to the Hebrew newspaper "Yedioth Ahronoth," Israel's primary objectives encompass the elimination of three critical Hamas figures: Yahya Sinwar, leader of the military wing Mohammad Deif, and the second-in-command in the wing, Marwan Issa. The overarching goal is to secure a decisive military victory against the Al-Qassam Brigades, coupled with the destruction of the tunnel network to undermine Hamas's governance in Gaza, Amad reported.

As per Israeli plans, the primary ground campaign in Gaza may extend for several more months, followed by a subsequent "transition and settlement" phase, potentially lasting until late next year.

The newspaper provides details on the distribution of sets of cards to Israeli soldiers in Gaza, each featuring 52 pictures of senior Hamas officials. Approximately 10,000 unique sets, including images of Sinwar and Deif, were disseminated.

Citing Israeli officials, the newspaper confirms the successful elimination of ten wanted individuals depicted in the distributed cards.

To amplify the psychological impact on Hamas, the card distributor decided to downgrade the rank of some top members of the armed group to embarrass them. For instance, Yahya Sinwar is referred to as the "Red Queen" instead of "King," "Ace," or "Joker."

The newspaper notes that "Aces" were designated for Ismail Haniyeh and Khaled Meshaal, residing in luxury hotels in Doha, while Marwan Issa, the military representative in Hamas's political bureau, received an "Ace" designation.

Simultaneously, Mohammed, Sinwar's brother, is dubbed the "Black Prince," with Deif aptly referred to as the "Joker."

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