Apps in Focus: WhatsApp alternatives

Despite the dominance of WhatsApp, other apps offer a better alternative when it comes to security or usability. (Photo: Envato Elements)
While WhatsApp has remained the dominant force when it comes to messaging platforms, a growing number of people around the world are becoming more aware of issues such as security, encryption and usability.اضافة اعلان

Signal: Taking security to a whole other level

Signal, the company that provides the encryption infrastructure for WhatsApp, has also developed a messaging app of its own. It is, by and large, one of the most secure messaging platforms currently running.

The Signal app has ample benefits: self-destructing messages, screen security that disables screenshots, and — one of the most important elements — no link between data and individual identity.

When investigated by the FBI in early 2021, Signal was given a subpoena asking for all information on all of its users. The company happily complied — and submitted a sheet with nothing on it.

According to Signal, the company never has and never will collect data on any of its users. In fact, the current infrastructure of the platform makes it impossible.

Therefore, if you’re keen on ensuring that your messages are secured, and are looking to protect yourself from any of the consequences that may arise as a result of someone taking a screenshot of what you just posted, be sure to hop on the Signal bandwagon.

Telegram: Hang out with thousands of people

Telegram is a tremendous leap over what WhatsApp currently offers. While WhatsApp is still a significant player in the business world, Telegram is by far one of the most social platforms — enabling up to 100,000 people to participate in a single chatroom. Another added benefit of Telegram is that it features an easy-to-access file sharing system. Users on Telegram can share files up to a massive 1.5GB, something that WhatsApp struggles with, offering only a measly 100 MB as a limit.

Then there are the bots. Unlike the infamous spam bots, Telegram bots actually enhance the user experience. They be set up in order to offer useful information for newcomers to a chatroom, or even allow allow to play games while in the app itself.

Last but not least, Telegram offers users the ability to use the platform across multiple devices at once, while WhatsApp limits users to a single device.

Bridgefy: The messenger platform that doesn’t use the internet — or a mobile network.

The biggest risk to data security is an Internet connection. If an app has no connection to the Internet — or better yet, a mobile network — there are few ways for the company that runs it or outside actors to take the data.

This is where Bridgefy comes in. It is one of the most popular messaging platforms that doesn’t require an Internet connection or mobile network to run. Through the use of Bluetooth Mesh or Wi-Fi direct-based networks, the app is able to communicate with other nearby phones with Bridgefy installed.

The app does not extend across entire city blocks, but it comes incredibly handy for communicating with a group of people at the same event, or in the case of a major catastrophe that renders cell service useless, such as during a storm when out hiking.

Users can also enable their phones to act as nodes, or miniature transceiver for other users’ messages. Your messages are not visible to nodes, which simply boost an existing signal so that each message reaches its final destination in one piece.


While it may be difficult to kick the WhatsApp habit, if you’re someone that is genuinely concerned with the safety of your communications or are frustrated with the lack of features on WhatsApp, these three alternatives are some of the best apps on the market. With Telegram appealing to the socialites, Signal to the security-driven and Bridgefy for those that are looking for offline alternatives to their messaging needs, these additions to your mobile phone are guaranteed to boost your messaging experience.

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