Today's Horoscopes

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(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: Adding warmth and optimism to your interactions can make your day run more smoothly. Don’t let your outgoing warmth be misunderstood, however, since someone might believe you are flirting or giving the wrong message.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: Keep your money in balance and work to improve your self-sufficiency. Sidestep financial pitfalls and potentially awkward situations by handling your own business and not expecting anyone else to pick up the tab.

GEMINI: You may not be shy about letting everyone know where your loyalties lie. Ignore an urge to defend yourself if your motives are questioned. It is better to walk away from a fight and focus on doing your job.

CANCER: Spend money wisely. You may be captivated by advertising gimmicks or a sales pitch, so follow the lead of a sensible partner or loved one. You can make the most progress by being supportive and understanding.

LEO: It is never too early to think ahead. Discuss goals and expected outcomes with your family members so that holiday plans move ahead without a hitch. Coworkers may be concentrating on their own ambitions and desires.

VIRGO: Remain on your toes. Someone might be difficult to please or make unexpected changes. Handle purchases and financial decisions with care since you may be deceived by appearances or miss the fine print.

LIBRA: Someone might get too close for comfort. Keep your cool in public even if a flirtatious person catches your eye. You may yearn to indulge in some hot fantasies when you should be focused on getting a job completed.

SCORPIO: Your ability to make clever business decisions may attract new admirers. A change to some part of your income or financial accounts might seem helpful on the surface, but there could be a hidden catch.

SAGITTARIUS: Steer clear of family drama. Someone may be sensitive to slights or easily hurt by what could appear to be a callous attitude. Happy plans to make someone’s dreams come true could be on your mind.

CAPRICORN: Boldness can be admirable, but it might be smart to tone down your assertiveness when you are in your workspace. Stay in your lane and focus on the positive and evolutionary aspect of changes.

AQUARIUS: You may have some interesting and original ideas. Spending some time at home pursuing a new interest or hobby can alleviate stress. Avoid adding to your credit card debt or making major purchases right now.

PISCES: Remain positive because negativity breeds discontent. Being distracted when you should be working might let mistakes creep in that cause you trouble. Avoid arguments or confrontations with family members.

IF DEC. 6 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: Lay low and avoid stirring up trouble during the upcoming five to six weeks when business initiatives could fall flat, or financial plans may fail. You might have extra energy to burn and can strike up acquaintances with a broad spectrum of people. Romantic yearnings and creative ideas may be a priority in January, when you would greatly enjoy a vacation or weekend getaway. In late February and early March, your reputation may soar to new heights, making this a great time to interview for a new position or to meet someone who will make a trustworthy partner. You can experience good luck, receive a wonderful opportunity to improve your situation or meet someone who makes a positive impact on your life in the first half of March. This should be an excellent time to set your most important plans into motion.

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