Today's Horoscopes

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(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: Bring your focus back to center. Spend your time improving your skill set and reputation and pursuing the objects of your affections and ambitions. Watch for social cues to avoid coming across as too aggressive or assertive.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: You may be challenged to extend your sphere of influence if you’ve gone as far as you can go with one subject. Using good manners and being tolerant of others can give you a chance to try a new direction.

GEMINI: You may be surprised by what you can understand when you set your mind to it. Gather as much information as you can, and you should be able to handle any contingency. Someone special may demonstrate their affection.

CANCER: Someone you love might be rough around the edges but steady; be grateful to have someone loyal in your corner. Whenever there is a difference of opinion, you can smooth things over by being forgiving and kind.

LEO: Learning something new might give you what you need to reach your goals. You may find it easy to focus your attention on long-term planning. Use common sense and it will work well together with your intuition.

VIRGO: Be inspired by the unique people you meet and the unusual experiences you encounter. You can easily widen your circle of friends, but don’t let interesting conversations distract you from an essential task.

LIBRA: Your active social life could give you a chance to go to bat for your team. Remain alert for advice or guidance that may help you score a home run. Your warm and forgiving attitude helps to make you popular.

SCORPIO: You may find yourself in a unique social situation. Explore the lay of the land before choosing a course of action. You could be forming relationships that have a real chance of living happily ever after.

SAGITTARIUS: Defending your rights may be second nature to you. You might encounter a situation in which proving that you are sincere and earnest can clear up a misunderstanding. Focus on cheerful people and things.

CAPRICORN: Instead of a power play, try teaming up. You may have the passion and persistence to reach your material goals while a loved one might have the charm and manners to impress the general public.

AQUARIUS: It may be difficult to change with the times. You could struggle to come to a logical conclusion. You might not see immediate results, but thanks to the enduring support of a loved one, your efforts can pay off.

PISCES: Gauge the mood of new companions before you voice your opinions. Most people may be happy to hear you out, but some could be mystified or get the wrong impression. Concentrate on being more creative and expressive.

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