Today's Horoscopes

(Photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: You may be challenged to renegotiate a promise. Take your time about deciding the best resolution because there can be many factors to consider. Your best bet is to wait a few more days before giving an answer.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: Use all the resources at your disposal. Handle emerging problems with a quick fix that is pleasing to everyone. Your romantic gestures may surprise and delight a loved one and bring the two of you closer.

GEMINI: Someone’s opposition to your businesslike proposal may cause irritation. You can put a favorable spin on your ideas but that might not be convincing enough. Avoid fighting over a minor and inconsequential point.

CANCER: A loved one’s actions will speak louder than words. Someone may be flirtatious, but it likely is just meant in good fun. Offer a few reassuring words to a coworker or colleague who may be struggling with a difficult task.

LEO: Stay in the moment instead of on your device. Pleasant social events might be on tap for your team. Keep decisions about a joint financial venture on the back burner. Your fantasies of making a big score may be unrealistic.

VIRGO: Your resourcefulness is on point. You may sometimes appear to be a lightweight, but when you can dig into a bag of tricks you perform like a heavyweight. Use your imagination to bring people together under a united umbrella.

LIBRA: Things look their best because you know how to use your creativity to create special and appealing effects. A visitor might offer a brief respite from ordinary household routines. A new acquaintance could share interesting hobbies.

SCORPIO: Produce concrete results and you can prove that you are on the ball. Your most loyal supporters may be found in your own backyard. This might be the wrong day to attempt to negotiate a better price on a key purchase.

SAGITTARIUS: No matter how frustrated you feel by opposition, obstacles, or outside circumstances that are preventing you from having your way, set a good example of industry that others can follow this week.

CAPRICORN: Mutual interests are best served by working together. You can do your part better when you have someone else on board to keep you company. People will appreciate a willingness to attend to essential details.

AQUARIUS: You may feel caught up in boring routines, but the harder the task, the greater the reward may be. You can rise beyond your limitations by letting your mind roam free. Come up with some fabulous ideas to escape the mundane.

PISCES: Social engagements may receive a place of prime importance on your calendar. There’s no place like home, but any dispute over a financial matter could disrupt the harmony unless you bring everything out into the open.

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