Today's Horoscopes

horoscope horoscopes
(File photo: Jordan News)
ARIES: Watch over the irons you already have placed in the fire; this may not be the best time to add more. Impress people with your enthusiasm and persistence in the face of obstacles rather than changing course at the last minute.اضافة اعلان

TAURUS: Rise above the fray if you sense there is a battle going on between tradition and adopting the latest techniques. It might be time for you to update something, but it is not necessary to rush the change or disrupt everyone’s routines.

GEMINI: Other people’s ambitions or work schedules might dictate how you arrange your own calendar. You can learn something valuable about business policies and negotiations by listening to a close companion’s sound advice.

CANCER: Power players may have one-track minds. Let tensions subside before you try to persuade a partner to listen to proposals. Put any plans to lay out convincing arguments or to get someone's attention to the side for now.

LEO: You can be a successful competitor without employing aggressive tactics. Play fair and by the rules to guarantee smooth sailing. Handle changes and unexpected events with poise and use them to your advantage.

VIRGO: Your spending money stash could evaporate if you give in to temptation. Keep expenses within the budget this week and avoid adding to your debt load. A levelheaded approach to managing your assets can pay off.

A partner or loved one might offer some sound advice that opens your eyes to wiser choices or better business practices. Take intentions and goals seriously and let the universe reveal numerous ways to reach them.

SCORPIO: Pack an extra bag of patience for your journey this week. Someone might disrupt your plans by changing their mind or taking unnecessary risks. You may have to act as the voice of reason in some tense situations.

SAGITTARIUS: Your family or friends could be a source of comfort and reassurance. Do not act if you are tempted to make sizable investments of your time or money, wait to make purchases or launch projects for the time being.

CAPRICORN: Try to contain your ambitions to some degree if they come across as overly aggressive. Admit that there are circumstances beyond your control, and it can be easier to withstand the pressure to try to overperform.

AQUARIUS: Be enthusiastic about doing your very best, then be open to learning helpful lessons from any criticism you receive. Make sure to follow through on promises and make an effort to understand what is needed now.

PISCES: You could be unaware of activities going on behind the scenes. Uphold the highest standards and your work can stand up to any examination. It would be best to hunker down and take care of your obligations now.

IF APRIL 16 IS YOUR BIRTHDAY: The romantic ideas and business plans that run through your mind now could be put into action in late April or early May when your judgment is at its best. If something does not work out as planned, then it may not have been in your best interest. In early June you might feel inspired to be more creative or to take off on a romantic weekend with a special someone. Your business sense is enhanced throughout June, too, making it a good time to review your investment and business strategies. Double check the fine print in August when you might be distracted or spellbound by get-rich schemes. September could offer some inspiring ideas that can be pinned down and turned into profitable undertakings.

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