Value of trade with Jordan at $186.64 - Malaysian envoy

(File photo:Jordan News)
 AMMAN — During a press interview, on the occasion of Malaysia's National Day, on Saturday, The Malaysian ambassador to Amman, Mohamad Nasri Abdul Rahman, said that for the period of January – June 2023, Malaysia’s total trade with Jordan was recorded at USD186.64 million.اضافة اعلان

Primary imports and exports
Between 2020-2022, the diplomat said Malaysia’s top five 5 exports to Jordan were, in order of most to lease valuable Palm Oil and Palm Oil Based Agricultural Products, Textiles, Apparel and Footwear, Palm Oil-Based Manufactured Products, Rubber Products, and Processed Food.

On the other hand, he indicated that Malaysia’s top five imports from Jordan were Chemical and Chemical Products, Crude Fertilizers and Crude Minerals, Textiles, Apparel and Footwear, Other Agricultures, and Manufacture of Metals.

Economic development
The diplomat added, “we will be hosting a trade webinar in October to discuss in detail the business potential available in both countries and thereafter to link business firms of the two countries for business matching. We hope that more Jordanian companies could join this session and take the opportunity to expand their business in Malaysia.”

 He said South-South Cooperation remains an integral part of Malaysia’s foreign policy, in which Malaysia, under the framework of the Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme (MTCP), offers capacity-building programs for 144 developing countries, including Jordan.

 Since its inception in 1980, he pointed out Malaysia has trained 487 officials from Jordan with 59 participants in 2022 alone. This program includes training courses in vast areas of development such as Technical and Vocational Training (TVET), maritime management, public administration, cyber-security, rural advancement, aviation management, petroleum technology, and Islamic banking and finance.

Further relations
The envoy said both countries also cooperate in many fields such as trade and investment, energy, higher education, pharmaceuticals, and defense, among others.

He announced that there are currently 1,500 Malaysian students studying in various universities in Jordan in various programs, which include, among others, Arabic language, Islamic affairs, and Islamic banking.

 Moreover, he pointed out there are 1,744 post-graduate students from Jordan currently pursuing their studies in Malaysia, adding that "We are glad to learn that Jordanian graduates have good career prospects in Jordan with some of them working in the public sector while some others are employed by reputable organizations."

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