Wednesday to mark start of vernal equinox in Jordan

Jordanian flag Amman
(File photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN — On Sunday, President of the Jordanian Astronomical Society (JAS), Ammar Al-Sakaji announced that the vernal equinox in the northern hemisphere is set to occur at 6:06am next Wednesday, March 20. اضافة اعلان

At that moment, Sakaji stated that the sun's rays will align with the Earth's equatorial line, causing shadows to disappear at noon in those areas of the Earth, adding that this event coincides with the occurrence of the autumnal equinox in the southern hemisphere of the Earth, Al-Ghad reported.

Sakaji indicated that in Jordan, due to its geographical location, day and night hours are nearly equal on the equinox day, observed last Saturday, with each lasting approximately 12 hours. He noted that the sun rises at 6:44am and sets at 6:45pm, moving from the geographic east to the geographic west in Jordan on Tuesday, March 19.

Explaining the inequality in day and night hours, Sakaji attributed it to ‘atmospheric physics such as scattering and refraction, and the distance from the equator,’ in addition to altitude above sea level. He highlighted that the sun's disc is an extended body and not a point of light, and refraction of sunlight in the atmosphere causes the apparent delay in its sunrise and sunset times, thereby increasing the length of the day.

Sakaji further noted that the Earth's rotation around the sun on an inclined axis, with the tilt angle being 23.5 degrees, is the reason for the occurrence of the four seasons.

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