Jordan's imports from Russia decline by 61% in Q1

Department of Statistics
(File photo: Jordan News)
AMMAN— The Department of Statistics issued its monthly report on Jordan’s imports from Russia during the first quarter of 2022, showing a 61 percent decline compared to the same period in 2021, according to Khaberni news.اضافة اعلان

Jordan’s imports from Russia during the first quarter of 2022 amounted to JD33.709 million, compared to JD86.752 million last year, the report indicated, adding imports from Russia during April alone increased by 62 percent and reaching JD9.829 million compared to April 2021, in which imports reached JD3.753 million.

Jordan imports many products from Russia, including (according to the imported value in 2020): (barley, chickpeas, iron, copper, sugar products, and sunflower seed oil) among others, while the most important Jordanian exports to Russia during the same year were: (fertilizers, dates, clothing and its accessories).

On the other hand, Jordan’s exports to the Russia declined by 10 percent in the first four months of 2022, reaching JD640, 000, compared to JD712, 000 in 2021.  

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