Experts puzzled, Jordanians angered by trilateral deal

University of Hordan
Tens of Jordanian students at the University of Jordan staged a sit in on Tuesday to denounce the trilateral deal. (Photo: Internet)
AMMAN — Thousands of Jordanians, mostly university students, staged sit-ins at most of the Kingdom’s public and private universities on Tuesday to protest the inking of a Letter of Intent (LoI) between Jordan, Israel and the UAE on Monday in Dubai.اضافة اعلان

The LoI is an initial understanding to carry out feasibility studies next year regarding the setting up of a mega solar farm in the Jordanian desert to produce electricity that would be sold to Israel in return for buying water from Israel, which would build a desalination plant on the Mediterranean coast. The UAE will finance and build the Jordanian solar farm. 

Once the signing ceremony took place many Jordanian activists took to social media to express anger and rejection of the deal while denouncing normalization steps with Israel. Jordan News talked to water and energy experts as well as political figures to gauge the national mood.

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