Defense orders will be lifted after pandemic is over — PM

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(Photo: Petra)
AMMAN — Prime Minister Bisher Al-Khasawneh said that the party representation in the Lower House will be increased up to 65 percent after three upcoming election cycles in an interview with Jordan TV.  اضافة اعلان

The prime minister addressed a number of different topics in the interview, including providing an update on the recommendations of the Royal Committee for Political Modernization.

He said that the government will give the draft laws and constitutional amendments to the Lower House in an urgent manner, before the next election cycle.  

He also added that the government will propose additional limited amendments to the constitution to update the modernization system. 

Prime Minister Khasawneh said that the goal is to align the committee’s results with the Royal Discussion Papers. 

He explained that partisan action is needed, and to assure majority party governments requires supervision to shift to an independent body.

The prime minister also touched on the defense orders and the pandemic. Khasawneh said that the defense law will be lifted after the pandemic is over.
Khasawneh added that the government is committed to implementing the defense law in the “narrowest limits”.

He stressed that the law currently protects 100,000 jobs for Jordanians in various sectors.

He also stressed the need to vaccinate the widest possible segment of the population in order to recover economically and return to normal life.

Additionally, the prime minister expressed his shock at not being asked for his Sanad green pass when he entered a shop in Jordan. He said requiring people to show their green pass is the duty of every establishment owner.  

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