Ramadan charity parcels double this year — Chamber of Commerce

The value of certificates of origin issued by the ACC in the January-July period of 2021 to export goods totaled JD393 million compared with JD487 million in the same period of 2020, according to ACC
(Photo: Jordan News)
Amman — Amman Chamber of Commerce Chairman Khalil Al-Haj Tawfiq estimated that the quantity of charity parcels this year has increased by 100 percent compared to last year, according to Al-Rai.اضافة اعلان

Tawfiq said in a statement to Al-Rai that food merchants have seen an increase in demand for food parcels leading up to and during Ramadan.

Economic analyst Ahmad Aud attributed the increase in charity packages to a decline in people’s standards of living.

The parcels do not go to people merely in “difficult economic conditions, but to poor people in the most dire poverty,” he explained. “If they are not given these parcels, they will starve.”

Aud blamed economic policies, a significant rise in unemployment rates, and low wages. He said that the increase in poverty “calls for a review of economic and social policies aimed at stopping the expansion in the poorest class.”

Ziyad Al-Rubaei, a writer specializing in demographic issues, also pointed to “the presence of Syrian refugees and migrant workers who need work but cannot find it, in addition to the decrease in Jordanian citizens’ own purchasing power.”

However, Rubaei said that the increase in charity parcels points to an increase in donors’ financial capacity. He believes that charity is not limited to the rich, as “poor people feel more than rich people and share what they have.”

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