AMMAN — The Ministry of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship recently
finished preparing a draft Jordanian Policy for E-Participation to better
define roles and responsibilities of government agencies in enabling
اضافة اعلان
The e-participation policy consists of three
main axes, according to the Jordan News Agency, (Petra). E-Information seeks to
provide information in an "understandable" form that guarantees easy,
comprehensive access.
E-Consultations is meant to conduct public
consultations to obtain the opinions of stakeholders and interested parties
about the government's work. E-Decision-making
eyes involving beneficiaries in the government process.
The Cabinet, which has approved Jordan
E-Participation Policy 2021, has sent the document to all ministries,
institutions, and government agencies so they can comply with its content.
The e-participation policy aims to improve
community participation in preparing legislation and decision-making at the
governmental level, improve the quality of public services, inform the
government on decisions to suit the beneficiaries' needs, enhance transparency,
increase confidence in the government, and improve the flow and access to information.
The policy will be applied to all legislation,
plans, instructions and regulatory tools issued by government agencies,
institutions, and bodies, including municipalities and provincial councils, to
enable beneficiaries to contribute to making decisions that suit their needs.
According to the Jordan News Agency, (Petra),
the government will also work to promote women's e- participation by
appropriately supervising citizens' dialogues and their contributions to public
consultations to reduce gender-based discrimination and
hate speech in all its
The government, in cooperation with the
National Committee for Women's Affairs and relevant authorities, will also
study mechanisms to empower women digitally to integrate them in the
government's plans.
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