Energy Investment Forum launches Amman Declaration for Peace, Sustainable Development

Energy Investment Forum launches Amman Declaration for Peace, Sustainable Development
Amman - HRH Princess Sanaa Asem, chairperson of the higher oversight committee at the Arab Renewable Energy Commission (AREC), Saturday patronized the launch of the ninth International Investment Forum for Renewable Energy and Efficiency, which is organized by the commission in cooperation with international and Arab institutions, with the participation of 20 Arab and world countries.اضافة اعلان

During the opening of the forum, held under the slogan "Electric cars, smart cities, and smart networks, a strategic choice for Arab countries," the Amman Declaration for Peace and Sustainable Development was launched. It was also announced that the first solar car race in Jordan will take place in Petra next year in cooperation with the Petra Regional Authority and international institutions.

The forum's slogan focuses on giving incentives for electric cars and incorporating electric chargers in green building codes in Arab countries.

AREC Secretary-General Mohammed Al Ta'ani said Jordan is a country of clean energy that keeps pace with modernization and development in the world through introducing investment-stimulating legislation, focusing on renewable energy projects, smart cities, electric cars, and innovative agricultural renewable energy patterns to achieve food security.

He said the transition from traditional energy to clean energy requires global peace and security, noting that Jordan is a leading country in the energy transition and one of the safest and most stable countries in the midst of a volatile region.

Al-Taani said the forum aims to set up a regional center that will be a regional and international platform for researchers, engineers, economists, businessmen, teachers and decision-makers, to achieve the goals of the Arab Renewable Energy Commission.

Taking part in the three-day forum along with Jordan are: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Egypt, Syria, Palestine, Iraq, Turkey, China, Ethiopia, Canada, Bulgaria, Romania, Switzerland, and France.

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