Bidders invited to invest in Al-Karama Dam area

5. Companies considering investing in Al Karama Dam -IW
An undated photo of Al-Karama Dam. (Photo: Twitter)
AMMAN — Sources from the Ministry of Water and Irrigation said that several individuals and companies have shown interest in investing to rehabilitate Al-Karama Dam area, under conditions officially announced last February, Al-Ghad News reported.اضافة اعلان

The sources, who preferred to remain anonymous, said that several Jordanian and Arab companies obtained a land rehabilitation document for the purpose of using Al-Karama Dam area for the development of tourist projects, adding that the ministry decided to extend the application period for the qualification document until after Eid Al-Fitr, at the request of those interested.

The Jordan Valley Authority had announced the qualification requirements for investment in tourism and entertainment projects in an area near Al-Karama Dam that covers approximately 3,600 acres.

The authority proposed several projects to develop the area, including tourist restaurants, children’s play areas, bicycle lanes, various playgrounds, and fish ponds, which should be consistent with the nature of that area and make optimal use of it.

Adequate water will also be available, contributing to the success of such projects, and providing an attractive environment for tourism and long-term investments.

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