14.4 percent of the elderly population in Jordan affected by Alzeimers

image that shows the elderly population in Jordan affected by Alzeimers, wide aspect , cinematic shot, backlight, blurry background,  wide angle, 4k detailed post processing, unreal engineered,
(Photo: AI-Generated)
AMMAN – A recent report by the National Council for Family Affairs has found that the Alzeimers rate amongst the nation's elderly is approximately 14.4 percent. Dr. Mohammad Maqaddi, the Secretary-General of the council, said this figure signified the importance of unifying national and institutional efforts related to helping the elderly; and stressed the need to strengthen the capabilities of service providers, according to Al-Ghad. اضافة اعلان

The report recommended establishing day centers for the elderly, allocating financial resources to meet their needs, and conducting updated field surveys categorized by age groups to understand the indicators related to the elderly in areas such as health, education, poverty, and employment.

Elderly constitute 5.4 percent of the total population
The council launched the analytical report earlier in the year to assess the national strategy for the elderly for the years 2018-2022. Dr. Maqaddi explained that the purpose of the report, prepared in cooperation with the National Committee for the Elderly, is to evaluate the achievements made between 2018 and 2022 and stressed its importance considering that the elderly constitute 5.4 percent of the total population.

The report revealed improvement in certain performance indicators for the elderly, however, found that there was still a lack of field surveys related to health and chronic diseases in elderly populations since 2010.

Shortage of medical staff
Moreover, it found there was a shortage of medical staff, particularly in geriatric medicine and nursing and found the absolute poverty rate among the elderly had reached about 8.7 percent by the end of 2021.

This coincided with occupancy rates in social housing care, increasing over the last five years to reach 22.1 percent. 

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