Pressure on the British police to ban Palestine demonstration

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LONDON – The British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, described the organization of a solidarity demonstration with the Palestinian people scheduled for Saturday, which coincides with "Armistice Day," as "provocative and lacking in respect," adding pressure on police to ban the protest.اضافة اعلان

According to Al-Mamlaka, despite calls from the authorities to cancel this demonstration, the organizers insist on holding the march, in which thousands are expected to participate to demand a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, which has been under continuous Israeli aggression for over a month.

Sunak confirmed that he will hold Chief of Police Mark Rawley "responsible" for any potential breaches.

The Prime Minister told reporters during his visit to a school in Lincolnshire (eastern England), "Rawley has confirmed that he is able to ensure the commemoration and the safety of the people as well. My role now is to hold him responsible for this decision."

The Chief of Police said on Tuesday evening, "At the moment, intelligence about possible breaches of the law this weekend has not reached the threshold that allows for a ban."

He added, "We had clarified that if the situation changes, we will use the authorities and available means to protect important national sites and events at any cost."

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