Palestinian presidency warns of dire consequences of Israeli escalation in Gaza

Palestinian presidency warns of dire consequences of Israeli escalation in Gaza
Ramallah - The Palestinian Presidency warned on Tuesday of the perilous consequences of the Israeli escalation in the Gaza Strip, and said an invasion of Rafah is a big mistake for which the US administration bears responsibility.اضافة اعلان

"We hold the US administration responsible for the dangerous repercussions that will have an impact on the region and the entire world, due to its failure to intervene in the right manner to compel the occupation government (Israel) to stop an invasion of Rafah and the displacement of its people," Presidency spokesman Nabil Abu Rdeineh said in a statement.

"Had it not been for the US administration providing financial and military support to the occupation (authority), and refraining from condemning at international forums, it would not have dared to continue the genocide against the Palestinian people," he said.

Rdeineh said Israel's control of border crossings, including the Rafah post, and preventing the flow of aid and the exit of the sick and injured for treatment outside Gaza, are war crimes punishable by international law and a serious violation of international legitimacy resolutions.

He urged Washington to take action, instead of issuing statements and condemnations, to stop the aggression immediately, allow the access of humanitarian aid and halt the displacement of Palestinians, especially from Rafah.

The spokesman reiterated that peace and security in the region is only attainable through a just solution to the Palestinian issue and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.

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